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Publicado el 20/03/2022

Publicado el 09/03/2019

Fuente: https://www.stigpryds.com/

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Publicado el 02/02/2017

Justin David es un cámara especializado en grabar bajo el agua. Sus trabajos transmiten mucha paz y resultan muy espectaculares.

One up, one down. Always dive wth a buddy. 🤙#divetosurvive @hubert_haciski @_paradiseseeker_

Una foto publicada por JUSTIN DAVID 〰 (@jdbaluch) el

I often receive questions regarding the equipment I use. I'm excited to tell you about the quality and craftsmanship of the new Sola 9600 video imaging lights from @lmlightlife that I have been using for video fill lights. I can dial in the proper backlighting effortlessly and keep my rig stable while Freediving. I'm honored to be their newest ambassador and thrilled to showcase what the #sola9600 can do in the Barrier Reef of Belize. Designed and manufactured right here in the USA, they make advanced lighting products for extreme conditions and their build quality is extraordinary. Filmed under my own power with @moanawaterman carbon fiber freediving fins. #lmlightlife #solalights @imaekiss @byimmer @haaheo @kimkertz @nauticamhousings @canonusa @hawaiicamera @backscattervideophoto. @diver_usa @dafinhi @kaikinibikinis #rockrunning #halibut #flounder @evolvediving @intova. Music by Big Wild. Song entitled "Venice Venture". Thanks to the fan that suggested I use it. 👍 #Placencia #Belize #putamovionit

Un vídeo publicado por JUSTIN DAVID 〰 (@jdbaluch) el

Where will your passions take you in 2017? Here's to living life to the fullest. #yolo #freediving #divetosurvive #lmlightlife

Una foto publicada por JUSTIN DAVID 〰 (@jdbaluch) el

# instagram.com/jdbaluch/


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