A deer smashed its way into American Eagle... then left the only way he knew how pic.twitter.com/PHOT7VX6S7
— alec williams (@alecwill) 11 de noviembre de 2016
There are 2 bald eagles trapped in a Florida sewer drain. This is more allegory than I can handle right now. pic.twitter.com/5f6YPHv7rB
— Justin Brannan (@JustinBrannan) 10 de noviembre de 2016
Sewer drain traps two bald eagles in not-at-all-symbolic incident. https://t.co/BVTmY7Yo4x pic.twitter.com/wKqkayPc7t
— Mashable (@mashable) 11 de noviembre de 2016
Here's the moment one bald eagle flew away while the other fell into the storm drain on a busy road in Orlando. #WFTV pic.twitter.com/mR6jo1x2ni
— Lauren Seabrook (@LSeabrookWFTV) 10 de noviembre de 2016